
Career City College

What Are the Pros and Cons of Being a Bookkeeper?

The bookkeeping industry is a cornerstone of the modern business world, offering numerous opportunities for those looking to build a career in this field. Whether you’re considering becoming a certified bookkeeper or exploring bookkeeping as a stepping stone to an accounting career, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision on your career path.

What are the Pros of Bookkeeping?

What are Soft Skills? Soft skills are non-technical skills related to how you work. Soft skills include leadership, teamwork, and conflict resolution, which complement technical HR skills and make for well-rounded human resources professionals.

Job Stability and Demand

Accounting jobs, including bookkeeping roles, are in high demand across various industries in Canada, with 116,700 new job openings projected from 2022-2031

This high demand ensures job stability, as financial record-keeping is a fundamental need for all businesses. In times of economic uncertainty, having a skill set always in demand is invaluable.

Variety of Industries

Professional bookkeepers are needed in almost every sector, from healthcare to retail, providing diverse job opportunities. This wide range of industries means you can choose a field that aligns with your interests or values, whether working for a nonprofit organization, a tech startup, or a large corporation.

Work-Life Balance

Many bookkeeping roles offer flexible working hours, which can contribute to a better work-life balance. Flexible scheduling can allow you to manage personal commitments, such as family or education, without sacrificing your professional responsibilities. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those seeking to balance multiple aspects of their lives.

Remote Work Potential

The rise of cloud-based accounting software has made remote bookkeeping jobs increasingly viable, allowing for greater flexibility.

Remote work opportunities enable you to work from anywhere, reducing commute time and allowing for a more comfortable work environment. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Professional Growth

As you gain more experience, you can take on more complex tasks, move into management positions, or even start your own bookkeeping business. Continuous professional development can lead to higher earnings and more responsibility. 

Opportunities for certifications and advanced training can further enhance your career prospects. Additionally, many bookkeepers find the chance to start their own business appealing, offering both personal and professional growth.

Transferable Skills

Career path considerations in bookkeeping or accounting include the repetitive nature of the job, potential for skills development, flexibility of remote work, and starting salaries and benefits. 

Skills gained in bookkeeping, such as attention to detail and proficiency with accounting software, are transferable to other roles within finance and administration. These skills can open doors to related careers, such as financial analysis, auditing, or business management.

Minimal Job Preparation

You can enter this field with a relatively short period of bookkeeping education, making it accessible for career changers and recent graduates.

This low barrier to entry allows for a quick transition into the workforce, and many employers offer on-the-job training to help you build your expertise. Many people in Canada choose to become bookkeepers when they’re looking for a quick path to employment.

Accounting & Bookkeeping Certificate

Reach your career goals with Career City College’s fast-tracked certificate.

What are the Cons Of Bookkeeping?

Workload Fluctuation

The workload can vary significantly, leading to periods of intense activity followed by lulls. During busy times, the heavy workload can be overwhelming, requiring bookkeepers to prioritize tasks and manage their time effectively.

Conversely, during slower periods, there may be a lack of tasks, which can lead to feelings of underutilization or boredom.

Repetitive Tasks

The role can involve repetitive tasks, which may not appeal to everyone. However, some find comfort and satisfaction in the routine.

Tasks such as data entry, reconciling accounts, and processing invoices can become monotonous over time. For those who thrive on variety and creativity, this aspect of the job might be less fulfilling.

High Responsibility

Bookkeepers bear significant responsibility for maintaining a company’s financial records and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. Failing to maintain confidentiality can have severe repercussions, including legal consequences and loss of client trust. 

The pressure to avoid errors and safeguard sensitive information can be stressful, especially when managing multiple accounts or dealing with complex financial transactions.

Initial Learning Curve

There may be an initial learning curve when starting out, particularly if you’re new to accounting principles and software. Beginners may need to invest time and effort to understand the fundamentals of bookkeeping, familiarize themselves with industry-specific software, and stay updated on changing financial regulations.

This learning phase can be challenging, but it is essential for developing the expertise needed to excel in the role.

Economic Sensitivity

Certain industries may experience economic downturns that could affect job stability within specific sectors. Bookkeepers working in industries prone to economic fluctuations may face job insecurity during periods of financial instability.

This uncertainty can be unsettling and may require bookkeepers to stay adaptable and continuously seek opportunities for upskilling or transitioning to more stable sectors.

The Final Word: Is Bookkeeping Right for You?

Bookkeeping is a profession that offers job stability, growth opportunities, and the potential for a satisfying work-life balance. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges, including the need for continuous learning and the responsibility of maintaining financial accuracy.

Bookkeeping is a profession that offers job stability, growth opportunities, and the potential for a satisfying work-life balance. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges, including the need for continuous learning and the responsibility of maintaining financial accuracy.

If you are detail-oriented, enjoy working with numbers, and appreciate a structured, routine-driven environment, bookkeeping may be a fitting career for you. The ability to adapt to varying workloads and handle significant responsibilities with precision can make this role rewarding. Conversely, if you crave variety, creativity, and less responsibility, you may want to explore other career options that align better with your preferences and strengths.

Ultimately, understanding the pros and cons of bookkeeping is how you can determine if the profession aligns with your professional aspirations and personal lifestyle.

Ready To Start Your Career In Accounting & Bookkeeping?

Kickstart or advance your career by joining our online Accounting and Bookkeeping Certificate program in Canada. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Online Learning: Enjoy the freedom to learn from anywhere in Canada with our online courses.
  • Accelerated Program: Complete your certification in just 22 weeks, fast-tracking your career.
  • One-on-One Guidance: Benefit from one-on-one sessions with experienced teachers.
  • Monthly Start Dates: Begin your journey at a time that best fits your schedule.
  • Financial Aid Options: Explore financial aid and payment options with dedicated assistance.*
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Understand the entire bookkeeping cycle, including managing accounts receivable, preparing financial statements, and mastering the accounting cycle.
  • Hands-On Experience: Learn to navigate and utilize leading accounting software tools like QuickBooks and Sage.

*Financial assistance is available for students who qualify. To determine your eligibility, please contact our Admissions Department.